Episode 8: Becoming Ourselves


Don't worry! The word "homework" can create some stress, but no one is going to grade you. There is so much jam-packed into every TNQ episode that we want to give you as many resources as we can.

This week, Rachel Cargle, teacher, writer, activist and community builder joins us to share about her journey. We talk about it all! Money, Activism, Self Care, Role Models, and even Nakedness (wiggles eyebrows). We are whole people, committed to racial justice, but also on a journey to becoming ourselves.


Black Women Artists for the Ages

Lorraine Hansbury 
Playwright, intellectual, activist 

We will never get over the beauty of A Raisin in the Sun, but it is also imperative that we understand all the beauty Lorraine Hansberry offered us before her death. Start with this beautiful documentary

Toni Morrison
Author, editor, nobel prize winner

There will never be another Toni Morrison. Whether you are introduced to her through Beloved or Sula, The Bluest Eye or The Source of Self Regard, there is no easing into Morrison's work. It swallows you whole and never lets you go. Learn more about her life through this recent documentary. 


Nina Simone
Vocalist, songwriter, activist 

Every episode Nina has watched over us from above the fire place. She is our hero and deserving of everyones attention. You can find a documentary about her life on Netflix, called What Happened, Miss Simone? Some websites state that it chronicles her downward spiral. But I hope you will see a Black woman wholly committed to her art, her community and herself in a time when it as dangerous to do so.